Thursday, 30 December 2010


Popped into Edinburgh yesterday for a spot of shopping, had absolutely no luck though. I was looking for old computer games (surprise surprise) and all that I found was over-priced, rubbish, or both.

I was in one shop (well I say shop, it was more a room containing piles of electronics and records, I could barely even get the door open) and saw an Amiga 500 hanging (quite literally) off one of the shelves. No games or box or anything, but I thought I'd ask about it anyway. £80! Like fuck anybody in their right mind would pay such a price. £60 he said, though, if you're willing to forgo the power supply... Obviously I left in good haste.

All I could turn up in all the shops I was in was sports titles, for the most part, and not even good ones. Really not what I'm interested in buying...

So, obviously, when I got home I got onto eBay and bid on a shitload of stuff there. I have a disease :(

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